Friday, November 6, 2015

  Retirement brings on an altered state of consciousness. The borders and boundaries of the work-a-day life have dissolved and I now have time to daydream to my heart's content. I recall my first day in public school with lots of rules and requirements so the adults could shape me into a productive member of society. So that eventually I would be able to take my place as a worker, husband, father and all the other roles and hats a person may wear over the course of his life. Oops....seems like I experience a disassociated moment talking about myself in the third person.  I enjoyed playing the game. Samsara has its pleasure and pain.  I wore lots of hats and some red clown noses as well.
  Now I am learning how to traverse the experiential void of retirement.  Happily I spent most of my life collecting tools for my cosmic toolbox. Over many years of meditation, I have found silence to be a friend. Hmmm...Simon and Garfunkel just ran across my keyboard. They are sitting on my monitor stand swinging their legs and singing to me.  Thanks!

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