Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas

    It's been a very fun Christmas this year. A sensory delight with lights and smells, tastes and touches.  Shopping with the nose seem to elicit a lot of Rudolf comments especially when I wore my Santa Cap too.  I bumped into a Santa at Burgermaster.  I asked him if I could lead his sleigh this year and he laughed and said yes! 
    It happens occasionally that a couple (man and woman) will see me on the bus and begin talking about how fun it would be to have a clown nose in bed.  As I always carry a spare nose, I give it to them and what them laugh and whisper in each other's ear about intended uses of the nose.  No judgment from me.  Always makes me laugh.
    A Starbuck's barrista looked at me and said, "I am a big fan!"  to which I replied, "I am blown away!"   She laughed but no one else seemed to get the joke.
    Our daugher and son in law could not make the trip from NY this year, alas, but out wonderful son spend Christmas morning with us, helped us cook a delicious breakfast of scrambled eggs, bacon, and hash browns with toasted homemade bread and homemade raspberry jam, cranberry juice, and hot fresh coffee.  Then we opened our stockings and exchanged gifts with plenty of good humor and laughter.

From our family to yours:

"May all beings have shelter; may all beings have food. Bless this day as it transpires and help me be the best Andy Towne I can muster."

With deep thanks for inspiratation from Wavy Gravy.

Photo: Now the party is well underway!
Merry Chistmas

Friday, December 6, 2013

What Its Really All About

    This afternoon I was waiting in front of Harborview Medical Center and two women in a small pickup truck pulled up, rolled down the passenger window and the driver yelled up to me with a big grin, "Thank you for the smile!  I really needed that today!"  How sweet a moment.

    It's a good reminder that our brothers and sisters are often in need of even some small relief from their cares and suffering.  Such a simple act and yet so powerful.  It is good us all. 

7 Benefits of Smiling and Laughing

and if you need more reasons...

15 Facinatinhg Facts About Smiling